Congratulations! It's okay for the decent grade, you tried your best at least!
Also, can somebody freaking explain me why I was reading your username as Tomafakio for some time ?
A simple artist who paints pictures. I love cute and cruel things :3
just silly artist
Draw and admire othe
Sweet cruel dream
Joined on 6/21/22
Congratulations! It's okay for the decent grade, you tried your best at least!
Also, can somebody freaking explain me why I was reading your username as Tomafakio for some time ?
Thanks! And it's okay if you called me that XD
Hell yeah let’s fucking gooooo dude!
Hell yeah let’s fucking gooooo dude!
cool dawg
Smart guy
Good job with everything! Though I'll be honest, i couldn't notice the difference in your name at first and i thought you were just repeating your name lol
It won't actually be different, except that you can just call me Toma. By the way, the little idea of "splitting" my nickname arose from the comments under this post: